U.S. Open Champion

U.S. Open Champion
Quit Smoking 21 Days

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


http://www.QuitSmoking21days.com Autosuggestions to quit smoking

Stop SmokingSmokingCessationOption.com Quitting Can Be Different This Time - Discover an Approach.
Learn to Stop SmokingBecomeAnEX.org Re-learn life without cigarettes. Get a free EX® quit plan
Tips For Quitting Smokingwww2.pmusa.com/quitassist Free Information & Resources to help you find your Path to Success.
Search Results
Results include your SearchWiki notes for stop smoking. Share these notes
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Tobacco Free Florida Smoke Free Quit Smoking Florida ... - 4 visits - 12/21/09
Tobacco Free Florida. Be happier. Be healthier. Preserve Your Health. Protect you future. Be a better parent. Be a better friend.www.tobaccofreeflorida.com/ - Cached - Similar -
WhyQuit - the Internet's leading cold turkey quit smoking resource - Feb 16
WhyQuit's banner: a free quit smoking, stop smokeless and nicotine ... A support classroom to stop smoking, quit oral tobacco and break free from NRT ...whyquit.com/ - Cached - Similar -
Stop Smoking Tips
The main goal of Stop-Smoking-Tips.com is to assist smokers aspiring to quit smoking and prevent smokers from having the urge to start smoking again. ...www.stop-smoking-tips.com/ - Cached - Similar -
News results for stop smoking

Help may not be a patch on willpower when giving up smoking‎ - 6 days ago
You should also speak to your doctor to discuss the different medications that are available that can help you stop smoking." Chapman says the idea that ...Sydney Morning Herald - 96 related articles »
Program Helps Low-Income Smokers Kick Habit‎ - NPR - 19 related articles »
DiCaprio had bad dreams trying to quit smoking‎ - Indian Express - 30 related articles »
Find tools to help you quit · Talk to an expert · Get more free resources. Find a study near you · Learn about smoking in your state. What do you think? ...
Tools to Help You Quit - Quit Guide - Benefits of Quittingwww.smokefree.gov/ - Cached - Similar -
ACS :: Guide to Quitting Smoking
People who stop smoking before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 ... Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or during the first 3 to 4 months ...www.cancer.org/.../PED_10_13X_Guide_for_Quitting_Smoking.asp - Cached -
Stop Smoking Stop Smoking Programs Stop Smoking Aids
Looking for ways to stop smoking, how to stop smoking or stop smoking aids and programs? Free information and tips for those trying to stop smoking at Stop ...www.stopsmoking.net/ - Cached - Similar -
Stop Smoking Hypnosis, Hypnotized Quit Smoking Tobacco, Stopping ...
Stop Smoking Hypnosis center locations, Find Quit Smoking Hypnosis clinic locations,The way we help you use hypnosis in particular,is that it removes this ...www.iwanttoquitsmoking.com/ - Cached - Similar -
Smoking and Tobacco Use :: How to Quit Smoking :: Office on ...
May 29, 2009 ... A free, phone-based service with educational materials and coaches that can help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco. ...www.cdc.gov/tobacco/how2quit.htm - Cached - Similar -
Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community - Feb 16
Science-based quit smoking strategies, expert resources, and thousands of former smokers will help you stop smoking, and stay stopped.www.quitnet.com/ - Cached - Similar -
Welcome to the Stop Smoking Center 6.1! Stop Smoking Center
An online quit smoking program with a Support Group moderated by trained health care professionals. Are you concerned about your smoking?www.stopsmokingcenter.net/ - Cached - Similar -
Blog posts about stop smoking
How to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis for Motivation - Disabled World - 15 hours ago
Quitting Smoking Especially Difficult for Select Groups Stop smoking - Stop smoking - 2 days ago
Now they're giving up more than cigarettes spiked - Spiked - Jan 5, 2010
Book results for stop smoking
The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the ... - Allen Carr - 224 pages
Stop smoking: 52 brilliant ideas to kick the ... - Peter Cross, Clive Hopwood - 256 pages

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year's resolution to quit smoking

if your new year's resolution is to stop smoking
visit our quit smoking coach at http://www.Quitsmoking21days.com

or goto http://www.StopSmoking21days.com

and call up the quit smoking coach

Monday, December 14, 2009

new york state smoking cessation programs to quit smoking in florida to with QS21D

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center
Website: www.cbwchc.org Health Education Department ﹕212-966-0461
Medicaid Can Help You Quit Smoking
What is Medicaid?
Medicaid is a government program for people who can’t afford to pay for health care. If you are between
the ages of 19 and 64, and a New York State resident, with low income and limited resources, you may
be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid covers doctor services, eye care, dental care, and medications to help
you stop smoking!
How Medicaid Can Help You Stop Smoking
 With a doctor’s prescription, you can get products to help you quit
smoking which Medicaid can pay for such as nicotine patches, inhalers,
nasal sprays, gum, and Zyban (Bupropion).
 Your doctor must write a prescription for you to receive either a
prescription or over-the-counter product.
 Some products can be used together. For example, Zyban, taken by
mouth, and nicotine patches, which are put on the skin, can be used at the
same time. Ask your doctor and pharmacist what is right for you.
Some Products Covered by Medicaid:
 Nicotine patches are placed on the skin and supply a measured dose of nicotine.
 Nicotine gum provides nicotine in a chewing gum product; available over the counter.
 Nicotine nasal spray, available by prescription, is a small plastic tube with a plug that contains
nicotine and menthol (menthol reduces throat irritation).
 Bupropion (Zyban), available by prescription, is a medication that you take by mouth. It does not
provide nicotine. It helps you decrease your craving and withdrawal symptoms and helps reduce
your desire to smoke.
 Varenicline (Chantix), available by prescription, is a medication that you take by mouth. Its does
not provide nicotine but the medicine works on nicotine receptors in the brain and provides
satisfaction that nicotine gives.
How to Apply for Medicaid
In New York City, contact the Human Resources Administration (HRA) at (718) 557-1399. Residents of
the five boroughs of New York City may also call toll free at 1-877-472-8411.
For help in Medicaid enrollment and other government-sponsored insurance programs, please visit the
Charles B. Wang Community Health Center at 136-26 37th Ave., 3rd floor, Flushing, NY, 11354. The
Chinese and Korean bilingual staff can help assist you in processing your insurance application. The
application must be done in person. For more information on applying, please call for an appointment at
(718-886-1212) from Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm.
*American Cancer Society-Asian Initiatives
Smoking Cessation Program (Free Nicotine Patches and
Counseling) (718) 886-8890
*Gouverneur Hospital
Smoking cessation program (Individual counseling)
(212) 238-7471
*Charles B. Wang Community Health Center
Health Education Department (212) 966-0461
St. Vincent’s Hospital
Tobacco Cessation Program-Support Group (212) 604-2199
Bellevue Hospital Center
Stop Smoking Program (212) 562-4748
New York State Smokers’ Quitline
1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487)
* Chinese speaking staff available Free Smoking Cessation Programs and Resources in New York http://www.StopSmoking21days.com
It can be hard to quit smoking, but there is help when you’re ready to quit. Research shows that it can take five to seven attempts to successfully quit.

Quitting smoking is a choice and may take practice. Every try counts. When you decide to try, or try again, the following Quit Smoking 21 Days Program can help you find success, great health and happiness when you Stop Smoking. Best of all, if you use the Coaching Program you can get Coaching from a Specialist who used the program to quit smoking over 3 years ago.

Quit smoking in vermont or florida or in U.S.A America

News and LinksVermont Department of Health – Tobacco Control ProgramInformation about Vermont's tobacco control program and its partners, as well as resources and links to survey results.

It can be hard to quit smoking, but there is help when you’re ready to quit. Research shows that it can take five to seven attempts to successfully quit.

Quitting smoking is a choice and may take practice. Every try counts. When you decide to try, or try again, the following Quit Smoking 21 Days Program can help you find success, great health and happiness when you Stop Smoking. Best of all, if you use the Coaching Program you can get Coaching from a Specialist who used the program to quit smoking over 3 years ago.

http://healthvermont.gov/prevent/tobacco/index.aspxVermontQuitNet.comQuitNet is the leading online resource to quit smoking. QuitNet gives advice, tips and access to counseling to help you succeed. The Vermont Department of Health provides free access to the QuitNet for all Vermonter residents, a savings of $100.www.VermontQuitNet.comNicotine Anonymous on the WebThis is a free support group to help you break the nicotine habit.www.nicotine-anonymous.orgNoButtsFrom the California Smoker's Helpline, there's lots of information on how to quit (requires free registration).http://nobutts.ucsd.eduThe Great American SmokeoutThis annual smoke-free day is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It is an inspiration for thousands of people to quNews and LinksVermont Department of Health – Tobacco Control ProgramInformation about Vermont's tobacco control program and its partners, as well as resources and links to survey results.
http://healthvermont.gov/prevent/tobacco/index.aspxVermontQuitNet.comQuitNet is the leading online resource to quit smoking. QuitNet gives advice, tips and access to counseling to help you succeed. The Vermont Department of Health provides free access to the QuitNet for all Vermonter residents, a savings of $100.www.VermontQuitNet.comNicotine Anonymous on the WebThis is a free support group to help you break the nicotine habit.www.nicotine-anonymous.orgNoButtsFrom the California Smoker's Helpline, there's lots of information on how to quit (requires free registration).http://nobutts.ucsd.eduThe Great American SmokeoutThis annual smoke-free day is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It is an inspiration for thousands of people to quit smoking.www.cancer.org/smokeoutTobacco Cessation GuidelineFrom the U.S. Surgeon General, this site contains resources to help people quit smoking.www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobaccoTryToStop.orgThis helpful site can help you or someone you know quit smoking.www.trytostop.orgMy Last Dip
MyLastDip is designed to help chewing tobacco users aged 14 to 25 quit. The program was developed by researchers with over 30 years' experience in smokeless tobacco research. http://mylastdip.com/American Legacy FoundationThe American Legacy Foundation is dedicated to building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit. A good source for information and resources.www.americanlegacy.org it smoking.www.cancer.org/smokeoutTobacco Cessation GuidelineFrom the U.S. Surgeon General, this site contains resources to help people quit smoking.www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobaccoTryToStop.orgThis helpful site can help you or someone you know quit smoking.www.trytostop.orgMy Last Dip
MyLastDip is designed to help chewing tobacco users aged 14 to 25 quit. The program was developed by researchers with over 30 years' experience in smokeless tobacco research. http://mylastdip.com/American Legacy FoundationThe American Legacy Foundation is dedicated to building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit. A good source for information and resources.www.americanlegacy.org



Smokefree.gov A Web site dedicated to helping you quit smoking.
1-800-QUIT-NOW A free, phone-based service with educational materials and coaches that can help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco.
Help for Smokers and Other Tobacco Users Booklet that tells you about ways you can quit.
I QUIT! What to Do When You're Sick of Smoking, Chewing, or DippingA booklet that will help you quit all tobacco products.
Pathways to Freedom: Winning the Fight Against TobaccoGuide that addresses tobacco issues specific to African Americans.
Pathways to Freedom
Questions and Answers About Smoking Cessation A fact sheet from the National Cancer Institute.
Quit Smoking Tools and guides to help you quit smoking.
Quit TipsFive tips to help you quit.
Tobacco Cessation—You Can Quit Smoking Now! The latest information to help you quit from the Surgeon General's Web site.
You Can Quit SmokingA consumer guide to help you become tobacco free.
Other Resources
American Cancer Society Guide to quitting smoking.
American Heart Association 1-800-AHA-USA1
American Legacy Foundation—Quit Plan A 5-day plan to get ready to quit.
American Lung Association 1-800-LUNG-USA

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Son Goes Public To Get Mellencamp To Stop Smoking

this product http://www.StopSmoking21DAYS.com is recommended to help break the cigarette nicotine addiction, i called to talk to their coach and then bought the “Quit Smoking 21 Days” program.i have been smoke free for over 3 years.thank you for your help http://www.QuitSmoking21days.com my lungs are healthy, i feel great and have perfect healthit is the best thing i have ever done quitting smokingby professional golfer Dean Chitrenhttp://www.DeanChitren.com I am so grateful that I bought this Quit Smoking Program ! www.StopSmoking21days.com I am also grateful to the American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, Become an Ex, Florida Quitline, Smoke Free America, Smoke Free Florida, Lung Cancer Foundation and "Quit Smoking 21 Day" www.QuitSmoking21days.com

December 12, 2009
Can peer pressure get musician John Mellencamp to quit smoking? His 14-year-old son hopes so. Speck Mellencamp made a deal with his father that if 1 million people join a Facebook page he created, then the elder Mellencamp will kick the habit.
Speck tells NPR's Scott Simon that when they agreed to the deal, his father never thought that many people would join.
"He told me he thought it was just gonna be a couple of my friends who joined the group," Speck says.
At the time of the interview with Simon, there were nearly 200,000 members.
Speck says his father, a longtime smoker, has tried to quit smoking, but hasn't been able to do it for more than a couple of weeks.
"I think he would like to [quit]," Speck says, "but I just don't think he ever had the willpower to."
The difference now may be having such a huge audience.
"He says if a million people [join the group] and then somebody sees him [smoking], he'll seem like the bad guy," Speck says. "So he kinda has to [quit]."
Other members of the Facebook group have said they, too, will quit if 1 million people join.
"I've had lots of people tell me about stories of loved ones and friends that have died from lung cancer and smoking-related stuff," Speck says.
There's no deadline on the deal. Dad just has to quit when the page gets a million members. So these days when his father lights up, Speck tells him to enjoy it now.
