U.S. Open Champion

U.S. Open Champion
Quit Smoking 21 Days

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The QuitLine is a toll-free telephone-based tobacco use cessation service. www.QuitSmoking21days.com

Any person living in Florida who wants to try to quit smoking can use the QuitLine. The following services are available through the QuitLine:
Counseling sessions;
Self help materials;
Counseling and materials in English and Spanish;
Translation service for other languages;
Pharmacotherapy assistance; and
TDD service for hearing impaired

Freedom is within reach.
You can do it!!! The Florida Tobacco Quit-For-Life Line offers free, confidential, comprehensive telephone counseling to help you quit smoking or chewing tobacco. QuitLine Information For:

Health Care Providers Tobacco Users
For more on the Florida Tobacco Quit-For-Life Line, select:
What Happens When You Quit
Quit Tips
Smoking and Pregnancy
Links to Self-Help Sites

Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Feedback and Questions


Since 2001, the QuitLine has helped over 7,400 people quit smoking, and by doing so they:
Improved their health.
Reduced their risk of premature death.
Decreased the chances their friends or family will suffer or grieve due to illness or death from smoking.
QuitLine Fact Sheet (pdf-45kb)
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Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week the QuitLine is answered by bilingual (English-Spanish) speaking intake and counseling staff and TDD service for the hearing impaired. Spanish calls may be routed to a voicemail during peak hours.
Call 1-877-U-CAN NOW (1-877-822-6669) to get started.
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When you call the Florida Tobacco Quit-For-Life Line, you'll speak to counselors who are specially trained to help you quit using tobacco.
Counselors will ask you several questions, such as how much you smoke or chew, what is motivating you to quit, and when you want to quit. Research shows that it's often helpful to set a quit date a few days or weeks in the future, rather than trying to do so right away. This will allow you the time to fully prepare for quitting. The counselors will help you prepare, set a quit date and give you tips on how to avoid a relapse. You will receive a free quit kit by mail.
Call 1-877-U-CAN NOW (1-877-822-6669) to get started.
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The Fax to Quit Program allows tobacco users to sign up for services from the Florida Quit-For-Life Line. Many clinics, hospitals, health departments, and businesses across Florida are Fax to Quit sites and have reported success and positive feedback from the program.

How Fax To Quit Works
The doctor, health care provider or other professional discusses the free services and how tobacco users can access the QuitLine. If interested, the tobacco user may then complete a Fax to Quit registration form. A QuitLine counselor will follow-up by calling the tobacco user to discuss how to quit. If the tobacco user speaks a language other than English, he or she can indicate the preferred language choice on the enrollment form. A translator will be on the line to greet the tobacco user when the QuitLine counselor calls.

How to get the Fax to Quit form:
It's easy and free. Just select the Fax to Quit form (pdf- 25kb) and print.

Fax to Quit Q & A (pdf-69kb)

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