U.S. Open Champion

U.S. Open Champion
Quit Smoking 21 Days

Saturday, December 12, 2009


this product http://www.StopSmoking21DAYS.com is recommended to help break the cigarette nicotine addiction, i called to talk to their coach and then bought the “Quit Smoking 21 Days” program.i have been smoke free for over 3 years.
thank you for your help http://www.QuitSmoking21days.com
my lungs are healthy, i feel great and have perfect healthit is the best thing i have ever done quitting smoking
by professional golfer Dean Chitrenhttp://www.DeanChitren.com
I am so grateful that I bought this Quit Smoking Program ! www.StopSmoking21days.com I am also grateful to the American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, Become an Ex, Florida Quitline, Smoke Free America, Smoke Free Florida, Lung Cancer Foundation and "Quit Smoking 21 Day" www.QuitSmoking21days.com


A better way to quit smoking

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Why use QUITPLAN® Services?
QUITPLAN® Services is one of the most comprehensive quit smoking programs in the country. Our free personalized approach has successfully helped over 12,000 Minnesotans quit smoking. QUITPLAN® Services include:
Your online source for interactive tools and support to help increase your odds of quitting. Features include online help to create a personalized plan to quit and the tools you need to track your progress. You’ll also have access to expert advice and the ability to connect with thousands of people online that are trying to quit.
© 2008 ClearWay MinnesotaSM
QUITPLAN® Helpline
Get free access to experienced phone counselors trained to help you quit. Your counselor will help you create a personalized plan to quit and offer you valuable phone support to make your quit attempt more successful. You may also receive free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges if appropriate. The helpline is available to Spanish speakers and the hearing-impaired. Interpretive services are available for other languages.
For more on this service, call 1-888-354-PLAN (7526)For TTY call 1-877-559-3816
Hours of service (CST):
7 Days a week: 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
© 2008 ClearWay MinnesotaSM
Receive free in-person counseling by professionals at healthcare settings around Minnesota. A counselor will help you set up a personalized plan to quit, which may include free nicotine patches, lozenges or gum.
To find a QUITPLAN Center near you, call 1-888-354-PLAN (7526).
© 2008 ClearWay MinnesotaSM
Community-Tailored QUITPLAN® Centers
Visit a Community-Tailored QUITPLAN Center for free culturally specific stop smoking services. These services are available through the following community programs:
QUITPLAN® Center - Pillsbury United Communities
Serving the Chicano Latino community, the African American community and other diverse communities in the Twin Cities-area.
For more information in English call 612-377-7000.For Spanish call 612-787-3725.
QUITPLAN® Center - UMOS Centro Listón Café: Dejar de Fumar
Serving the Chicano Latino communities in Greater Minnesota.
For more information call 1-866-762-5498.
QUITPLAN® Center - Faya Bilow "A Healthy Beginning"
Serving the Twin Cities-area Somali community.
For more information call 612-876-9318
Wiidoowkowishin QUITPLAN® Center at Fond du Lac
Serving the American Indian community on the Fond du Lac Reservation and all Fond du Lac tribal members in the Duluth area, as well as anyone enrolled in a federally recognized tribe living in Hennepin or Ramsey County.
For more information call:
Fond du Lac Reservation and Duluth Area: 218-878-3707
Hennepin and Ramsey Counties: 612-871-1989
© 2008 ClearWay MinnesotaSM
QUITPLAN® at Work gives employers the necessary tools to help their employees quit smoking. Cessation counselors are sent directly to worksites for professional group counseling sessions. They will work with each employee to create personalized stop-smoking plans. Employers must have at least eight employees ready to participate in the program.
Companies participating in the program will benefit from fewer sick days used, lower healthcare costs, lower HVAC maintenance costs, higher morale and a better image.
For more information, employers should call 763-287-0747.
© 2008 ClearWay MinnesotaSM
Latest News
Do you have a tobacco story?
November 30, 2009
We are looking for current and former tobacco users who can share their real-world experiences and perspectives on smoking. This group of individuals will be asked to participate in a year-long, in-depth look at their journey with tobacco. Your personal stories will give others an opportunity to learn how a first cigarette can turn into a lifetime struggle with nicotine addiction, and perhaps be inspired and motivated to quit, or never start. For more information go to www.clearwaymn.org/yourstory.
Columbia Heights man wins QuitCash Challenge!
November 20, 2009
On November 19 ClearWay Minnesota awarded $5,000 to Doug Dawson, winner of this year's QuitCash Challenge and a quitplan.com member. Several other prizes were awarded at a Mall of America Great American Smokeout event. Congratulations to Doug, and to all who made quit attempts during the Challenge! More info about the winners is available at www.clearwaymn.org.
Hablamos español
October 19, 2009
Hablamos español. La línea de asistencia telefónica QUITPLAN (1-888-354-7526), cuenta con profesionales que hablan español que con gusto resolverán tus dudas y preguntas.
Check out the QUITPLAN Services Facebook page!
October 6, 2009
Become a fan of QUITPLAN Services on Facebook. Interact with other fans, check out photos from recent events and see the latest tips on quitting smoking. If you're already on Facebook, just search QUITPLAN Services.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I decide which QUITPLAN® Services are right for me?
If you’re not sure which Service to use, you can call QUITPLAN Services at 1-888-354-PLAN (7526) to speak with a friendly specialist who can help you choose a program that’s right for you.
Is QUITPLAN® Services really free? How can that be?
Yes, it’s free for all Minnesotans. QUITPLAN Services are paid for by funds received from the Minnesota Tobacco Settlement. If you live or work in Minnesota, you can receive free help to quit even if you don’t have health insurance.
How much time do I need to commit to QUITPLAN® Services?
It’s really up to you how much time you spend utilizing the free services, whether it’s over the phone, in person or online. With telephone or in person counseling you can receive up to five sessions that fit your schedule. With quitplan.com, you have a lifetime membership to the online support and tools available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Why does this site look different?
On August 1, 2008, quitplan.com launched a new interactive website. This new site is designed to help users better access tools and services to help them successfully quit. If you have registered on the old website, you can still access that information at www.quitnet.com.
Why doesn't my old user ID and password work on the new quitplan.com website?
If you registered on quitplan.com before August 1, 2008 you need to register for the new quitplan.com. To enroll in the new version, you must use your email address for your ID. If your ID is not an email address, go to www.quitnet.com.
Can I still visit the old quitplan.com website?
Yes, if you registered on quitplan.com before August 1, 2008, then you still have a lifetime membership to the old website. You can log in at www.quitnet.com to return to the old site. You can also register on this new site.
How does the quitplan.com program work?
Here's how the quitplan.com program works:
Once you are enrolled, you will receive an email with your user name, password, and link to the website.
Log on and get started on tracking your progress and developing a personalized plan to quit.
Resources are available to you that range from information on the affects of tobacco, medications you can use to help you quit, to benefits you will gain from quitting.
You can choose to receive coaching emails to give you support and keep you on track throughout your quit, as well as email with Quit Coaches directly.
In the Discussion Forums connect with others who are also quitting and Quit Coach Moderators. Remember, peer support is a key factor in success!
What if I’m not ready to quit? Can I still use quitplan.com?
Sure. The quitplan.com website is designed to help people at whatever stage they’re at — even for those thinking about quitting. In fact, there’s an entire section of the website designed for people who are not ready to quit yet.
What if I start using tobacco again? Can I still use quitplan.com
Yes, you will always have access to quitplan.com — even if you start using tobacco again. For most people, quitting takes practice. Our job is to help you learn from that experience and try again. Each time you try to quit, you’ll learn a little more about what it takes, so you’ll be ready for your next attempt.
Does QUITPLAN® Services help with all forms of tobacco use?
Yes. QUITPLAN Services helps people successfully quit using all forms of tobacco, including smokeless products such as chewing tobacco.
Do I need an email address to sign up?
Yes. You will need an email address to experience the benefit of quitplan.com. There are many free email account services that can be found online.

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