U.S. Open Champion

U.S. Open Champion
Quit Smoking 21 Days

Thursday, December 10, 2009

want to stop smoking?

www.StopSmoking21Days.com and www.QuitSmoking21Days.com If you really want to Quit Smoking our program method has been tested by professional athletes, NASA and Governments.Order now for $79If you want or need a Quit Smoking Coach call us today and Receive the Quit SMoking 21 Days program free when you become a Quit Smoking 21 Days Coaching Member.

Group coaching
Group coaching I run workshops for groups of 6 or more. These can be in theworkplace, or for a group of friends or colleagues. Stopping smoking with group support at work Only 1 to 2 per cent manage to stop smoking successfully on their own. Stopping with others - especially people you are in regular contact with, like work or friends, hugely increases your chances of success because you are getting the support you need - often on a daily basis - between meetings. Excellent results from group sessions demonstrate that stopping in this way is very effective. Quitters start with feeling `we?re all in the same boat? and progress to not wanting to sneak a cigarette for fear of letting the group down. This also greatly increases your chances of staying stopped as research shows that you are 10 times more likely to succeed in the long-term if you don?t smoke at all in the first week after quitting. In these group sessions we will create an enjoyable, supportive environment to make the process as easy as possible. Part of this includes a buddying system so it can be helpful to bring a friend, partner or work colleague who wants to stop as well. The high success rate suggests that the techniques you will learn are very effective for ensuring long-term success. You're likely to find these techniques useful in other areas of your life as well, like staying calm at work and dealing with stressful situations.Investing in health Many employers want to help their staff stop smoking. They now have a legal duty to ensure a safe working place as part of their policy on smoking and are looking for more positive solutions rather than simply restricting smoking or pushing theproblem outdoors. They also recognise that improved health means improved productivity: smokers have twice as much time off work as non-smokers because of smoking-related diseases. They also need more frequent breaks and get more stressed and tired than non-smokers and contribute to the ill-health of other workers through passive smoking. Nine cigarette breaks a day of 10 minutes each is equal to one working day a week . These group sessions provide employers with an opportunity to show they care about the health and well-being of their staff and to take direct action to help them stop smoking. Workplace sessions can be adapted to suit both employers and staff. Setting up a programme of sessions In order to assess the level of interest among smokers within a company or organisation for a workplace-based smoking cessation workshop, companies use our poster and survey method to consult with staff first. If there is sufficient interest, a smoking cessation advisor will then put on an obligation-free presentation to the staff to expain the programme; if there is a viable number of staff wanting help to stop smoking, then a number of sessions can be set up to suit both employer and staff.

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